Job description
I need an approximate quote (pitchfork) and time to complete the project. If there is not enough information or there are any questions, please message me. Preliminary assumptions of the project:
- a panel for ticket sales, the customer selects a ticket enters data, pays, receives emails with confirmation of purchase and invoice if he wanted. Receives by email pdf files, where there are graphics with the ticket, each ticket has its own unique barcode / qr code
- possibility to sell tickets by different entities: they can create an account, and after verification of the administrator, put up for sale their tickets, for the sale of which a commission will be charged
- administrative panel to manage, pools of tickets prices, descriptions discount codes, etc. of tickets to sell, handle orders, panel where are invoices, where you can return a ticket to someone, etc.
- important thing on the day of the event is each ticket checked through a scanner (can be a camera phone application) after logging in connects to the "base" . on the day of the event the barcode or qr code is scanned by the application - one ticket can be scanned once later an error pops up information that this ticket has already been used.
If it is a discounted ticket, then an additional message VERIFICATION OF AGE pops up.