Thumbnails on YouTube

Closed job
Hubert Jaworski
Hubert Jaworski
5 deals
Job category:
Graphic projects
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description


I need to make thumbnails for my YouTube videos.

I currently have about 50 videos on my channel, I will be releasing new videos at a rate of 1 per week.

I'm looking for someone whose style of work I like - if you want to apply, I'd like to see your previous YouTube work :)

To start with, I'm thinking of making 3 sample thumbnails. We will test the cooperation, get to know each other, you will get to know my subject matter better, and I will get to know your style better.

In bids, please give me an approximate quote for 3 thumbnails or guidelines and questions needed for the quote.


Type and number of projects:

3 YouTube thumbnails