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    User blocked by Useme
    data entry
    550.00 USD
    I need a meticulous freelancer to help me enter data from mixed data sources contained in scanned documents. The data will be diverse, including both text and numerical information. Key requirements: - Data Entry: You will be responsible for accurately transcribing data from scanned documents into a specified format. - Mixed data: Data is not uniform - it will include both text and numerical information. Ideal Skills: - Attention to detail: Given the high level of accuracy required, a keen sense of detail is essential. - Knowledge of data entry: Previous data entry experience is essential for this project. - Ability to handle mixed data: Comfort and experience handling a variety of data types will be beneficial.
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    PiotrJ. 1 deal
    Entering data into a web store
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hello, I am looking for a reliable student who will take care of entering product data into the web store: photos, descriptions, ean codes, prices, logistic data and others
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    majkelone 8 deals
    Hey, for Our store we are looking for a person to help refresh the store's offer. The store has a wide assortment, which we are constantly expanding. Due to the fact that often the products are a lot to enter and have variants , it is important to use excel and prepare files for import, less often to add manually. I would prefer someone for longer cooperation because the job is never ending. We can start with the first order for one manufacturer. This acct is not a large number of products about 20 however have variants. More details later.
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    Benler 58 deals
    Poszukuję osoby do prowadzenia konta na stronach sprzedażowych Amazon.de i Ebay.de. Wymagania: Znajomość języka niemieckiego na poziomie zaawansowanym. Biegła znajomość Excela. Doświadczenie w pracy na Amazon i Ebay. Komunikatywność. Główne zadania będą obejmować obsługę klienta, zawieranie umów handlowych z GLS / DHL oraz innymi podmiotami.
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    kamil kaczka
    Creating Employee Schedules
    Proposed by freelancer
    creating schedules of patients and employees of the rehabilitation office once a week Friday/Saturday
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    ld 8 deals
    Hi! We are an online lighting store looking for an available, hardworking and committed person to support us in managing our product portfolio. What exactly do we need help with? - Adding new products - creating products, assigning them to the right categories, adding previously prepared photos and descriptions, filling in specifications and prices - Editing existing product descriptions - formatting current descriptions according to a new, uniform template for better readability - Managing product series - creating and editing product collections by linking individual products one to another by pattern or color - Expanding the category tree - creating new subcategories and then assigning relevant products to them to make the site easier to navigate If you already have experience with similar tasks and/or the Prestashop platform then great, but if not, we will implement you and explain step by step how to add or edit products. If you are willing, the order will certainly not be difficult, and you can always count on our help. At the very beginning, we would like to try the cooperation with an example of 100 products and if we are satisfied, continue it for a long period of time. We are interested in permanent cooperation, as we regularly update our product range, and receive new deliveries. For us, age or education does not matter, so as long as you are a hard-working, open-minded and contactable person, describe yourself, make an offer for an hourly rate or per product :-)
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FORAM Sp. z o.o. sp.k.
Job category:
Data entry
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Job description

Wprowadzanie produktów stronach sprzedażowych (Amazon, allegro, ebay) na podstawie cennika i strony producenta. Wrzucanie grafik, opisów, ID produktów, cen.

Praca zdalna, stawki do ustalenia.

The job in figures:

Cały czas dodajemy kolejne produkty i rozwijamy asortyment

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Praca zdalna