Slovak copywriter / translator

Closed job
154 deals
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Job description

We are looking for a person for permanent cooperation in creating unique content in Slovak for an online store. The store's offer includes protective accessories for smartphones and tablets (cases, foils and glass) and GSM accessories, such as cables, chargers, speakers or holders.

Some texts will have to be created from scratch by guidelines, while some will be loose translation from the Polish version of the store.

We look for a copywriter who has a very good command of Slovak and the ability to create light, unique content.


- texts mainly about technology, smartphones and accessories,

- Type of texts: mainly blog articles, but also category descriptions and product descriptions + loose translations

- Each text must follow seo rules and can’t contain errors.

- We expect short delivery times and permanent cooperation.

If you are interested, please contact us and provide prices for 1 text for 100 words

The language of the text:

polish - slovak

Number of characters:

Type and number of texts:


Submitted offers 3

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