Responsive website for mobile and desktop. Something like web application (MVP ). Page on no-code or similar, consisting of 10 screencasts

Closed job
no avatar
10 deals
Job category:
Mobile applications
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

The project is only to validate the idea

10 screenshots (subpages):

1 Main page login via Apple/Google ID + cookie message - content trail, zero graphics.

2- 5 One form with 5 steps, selection of date, time etc.

6-10 - screens based on 3 conditions

Design on some kind of template (even can be equal to wireframe - seriously and literally)

Simple logic: 4 variables. 3 conditions.

User data held in bubble or something like that.

Admin shell: only editing content (the one in the 10 screenshots).

The rest after signing NDA, wireframes + user story - logic.

Prerequisite: to deliver with testing until the new year.

As someone knows well tools like no-code, e.g. bubble etc. and a bit of javascript should be able to grasp it in a few days.

Required functions:

No-code Form (5 steps) 4 variables Login via Google and Apple ID 4 messages (1 cookie notice + when you select something in the form you get a notification) 3 Conditions. I selected A then a subpage X will be displayed to me instead of Y or Z.

Operating system:

Chrome, FF, Edge, Safari (desktop + mobile)