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Preparation of designs: folder, catalog, banner, letterhead

Closed job
Michał Stachowiak
Michał Stachowiak
72 deals
Job category:
Graphic projects
Expected budget:

800.00 PLN


Job description


I am looking for a freelancer to do the following projects:

- A4 catalog, 12 pages (8 pages + 4 pages cover)

- A4 folder design,

- design of large-size banner. (3 x 1.5 m),

- letterhead.

I will provide sketches of each design and content. The layout of the content in the catalog on my side. All materials are for the same client, so they will be consistent. Files should be prepared for printing.

The standard I am interested in on disk similar to the works on disk

Please send me a quote, portfolio and approximate completion time.

Type and number of projects:

folder, catalog, banner, letterhead