Permanent cooperation in the design of product posters.

Closed job
18 deals
Job category:
Graphic projects
Expected budget:

130.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description

We are looking for a graphic designer for permanent cooperation in designing A3 and A4 product/promotional posters for self-printing. The client sends photos of the product, description and price. It is necessary to select the background from Adobe database (after giving the photo number we buy it from your account and send it back), remove the background from the products, add shadows, description and price. Sometimes there are additional advertising slogans, or promotions such as 2+1. Sometimes the manufacturer sends us a layout, so you need to redesign it. The task usually closes in 1 hour of work of a graphic designer. Possible corrections max 30 minutes. There are 3-7 such assignments per month. Minor corrections and communication with the client on our side. There are usually 2-3 days for design.

Type and number of projects:

3-7 projects per month. The budget for design and revisions is 130 PLN net/piece.