Online store on PrestaShop + payu / tpay payment module + template installation

Closed job
IT-ENTER Michał Ziółkowski
IT-ENTER Michał Ziółkowski
16 deals
Job category:
Online shops
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

I will order the creation of an online store based on PrestaShop in the White Label cooperation module (we are the contractor of the order and we outsource it - you work for our brand as a subcontractor).

The store will be connected to the dropshipping platform using an integrator (integration with the product database on our side)

A company operating in the health & beauty industry.

What we like (as a form of inspiration):



What will you have to do as a subcontractor:

- installation of the platform on the hosting

- setting up GDPR subpages and consumer rights

- installation of the purchased template in the PrestaShop store

- translation of the template into PL (where it will be required)

- installation of paid modules (facebook, tpay / payu online payments)

- payment and shipping settings + plugin for couriers (dpd)

- configuration and commissioning of modules

- connecting to google search console and google analytics along with exporting the site map and basic configuration of search console

Completion date until June 30, 2021.

Template / individual design:

PrestaShop - ready templates from envato market (installation + configuration)

Required functions:

online payments, mobile version, prestashop modules