Illustrations for a children's story

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No Name Books
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Job category:
Graphic projects
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Job description

I am looking for an illustrator for a children's story. The text is about 10,700 characters long. I calculated that I need about 20 illustrations. Not necessarily full spreads and definitely not packed with details, as I appreciate minimalism.

The tale is a Christmas one, so timing also plays a role. And, well, I make no secret of the fact that budget does too. It will be an asset if we get along not only financially (I don't avoid that), but maybe also in other fields. For example, I have an idea for barter.

As an inspiration, I attach an illustration I generated by AI (ah, that falling snow inside the room...). I wish the illustrations had that charm and style.

I respect my contributors and expect reciprocity. Therefore, please do not offer illustrations made by AI, Canva intermediates and other such inventions. I am looking for an illustrator.

Type and number of projects:

20 illustrations

Attached files