Job description
I will order the positioning of websites.
The scope of the order is the positioning of the indicated keywords. It is not the subject of the order to search for other phrases. Phrases are as specified and these are subject to action.
Agencies thank you for cooperation. I do not want to make a previous mistake.
Please submit an offer. Please do not ask what is the budget.
I am only looking for a professional person who is able to achieve within 3-6 months the specified goal is TOP3 of the given phrases. It is not the subject of the order only the service of posing positioning. The goal is clearly defined.
It is not the subject of the order to show the contractor's work tools or activities of competitors.
These are things that I am aware of.
My goal is clearly defined and I am looking for a person to work with who is able to engage in the work and select the correct methods to achieve the described goal.