HD+RWD web programming main page + 4 subpages

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Job description

Based on PSD files - graphic templates programming HD views with optimization to RWD view.

Scope of pages:

1. home page - according to the project (data from CMS - PHP method)

2. about us - content + graphics / company logos (data from CMS - PHP method)

3. projects (data from CMS - PHP method)

4. offer (data from CMS - PHP method)

5. contact (data from CMS - PHP method)

Preferable solution

The CMS is my own, the data is to be retrieved from MySQL (PDO) using PHP. I do not insist, but I suggest that the model of the website should be based on PDO or other pattern - I leave it for discussion.

Required features

Mouseover elements colored - e.g. offer photo / home page and menu buttons. Menu in RWD version - vertical - background color + list of subpages with mouseover effect - white backlight.