Front-end for an e-learning platform based on Open edX

Closed job
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Job category:
Graphic projects
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Job description


I am looking for a freelancer who will create the front-end for an e-learning platform based on open edX.

To do:

1. Menu developed after clicking with two levels, data provided in the template with Django

2. Save / Unsave button, sending a POST or DELETE to the REST endpoint

3. Displaying a dynamic list, the ability to add new (additionally, autocomplete based on REST endpoint) or delete old ones, create a POST form when saving

4. Popup menu for notification, the notification icon for new notifications (data provided in the template from Django)

5. Integration of graphic design

6. Responsiveness of the site, especially for mobile

Type and number of projects:

The whole front-end for an e-learning platform

Submitted offers 2

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