Job description
I will commission a custom SQL report for Subiekt nexo pro. Extract report - showing the margin from settled ( paid by customers invoices ) with a breakdown by contractor's custodian. the columns we want in the report what we can filter are :
1. lp,
2. customer symbol
3. contractor's custodian
4. issuer of the invoice
5. guardian from invoice( from additional field from FS)
6. type of invoice ( FS / EXP / WDT )
7. invoice number
8. sales value ( net)
9. margin % of the document
10. margin ( profit ) from FS document
11. date of payment ( clearing the document )
12. number of days of delay in case of -( the report is to show that if the payment was received 3 days after the deadline, the value in this column is 3 )
the report is to show only paid and settled invoices at 100%