Creation of a clear logo and 6 graphics (for clothes ) related to the fitness industry (more information in the details of the order)

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The least important thing for me, because all I need is a nice font and that's it. The brand "LGCY" doesn't need much, just as I wrote a nice font in this style(pic no.1);

2.The first two graphics I have very average photos, but the graphic on the front is this outlined person(pic no. 2) and being honest it could stay ew improve it a bit.

As for the back, it's the inscription, but I want it to be more or less in this font(pic no 3).

3.Now we move on to what I haven't done at all, but here's an idea: I'd like the inscription "We're all gonna make it brah" on the back of the T-shirt (fig. 4,5) to be the same as it is on the T-shirt (fig. 5) in the letter "A" (it can be the same position as in the first graphic).

As for the front (I care about a small graphic at the height of the heart [as in pic no. 7] ) I have no idea how cool it would be combined with the back, so here creative invention, but you can use the phrases "skinny kid", "you mirin brah ?" Or anything related to the person aziz "zyzz" shavershian.

4.Another graphic is to go a little into a comic book (as in pic #6), we stay with the person "zyzz" and I care about the graphic on the back to be in the style as in pic #6.

Is is about the front in this T-shirt then I depend on a small graphic at the height of the heart, but also slightly cartoonish. I don't have in my head an exact idea of how it should look, certainly the person of Aziz as a guiding point.

(All graphics are needed in the form of vectors).

Ps. I noticed that I can only add 3 files so I can send the rest of the pictures in a private message