Creating a website with sales elements

Closed job
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Marta Greśkiw Dobry Dietetyk
Job category:
Online shops
Expected budget:


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Valid until:

Job description

Sub-pages on the website:

1. About me - Description + photo with the ability to edit from the admin panel.

2. certificates - Scans of certificates obtained with the possibility of adding more certificates in the future from the admin panel.

3. Patient reviews - List of obtained reviews and a form with the possibility of adding reviews by the patient, with the possibility of editing or administering entries from the administrator panel.

4. appointment booking - Calendar with available appointments and office location (office in Szczecin and office in Gryfice) + a form with the possibility of registering a visit through the site with notification to my email about a new visit, the possibility of administering visits from the admin panel.

5. Price list - Detailed description of the first visit to the office and a table of diets with the price and prices of follow-up visits with the possibility of free editing and adding from the admin panel.

6. Services - Description + photo of the services provided with the ability to add and edit from the admin panel.

7. diet store - Products are diets as an electronic product. The customer after purchasing the selected diet (product) and making payment, automatically within 24 hours should receive the diet (product in the form of a .pdf/word/excel file) by email. Ability to edit products from the admin panel.

8. Recipes - Subpage in the form of a blog with the ability to add and edit entries from the admin panel, entries consisting of a description + photos.

9. Contact - Contact information and contact form.

Template / individual design:

I would like the site to be clear and easy to use.

Required functions:

Sub-pages on the website: 1. About me - Description + photo with the ability to edit from the admin panel. 2. certificates - Scans of certificates obtained with the possibility of adding more certificates in the future from the admin panel. 3. Patient reviews - List of obtained reviews and a form with the possibility of adding reviews by the patient, with the possibility of editing or administering entries from the administrator panel. 4. appointment booking - Calendar with available appointments and office location (office in Szczecin and office in Gryfice) + a form with the possibility of registering a visit through the site with notification to my email about a new visit, the possibility of administering visits from the admin panel. 5. Price list - Detailed description of the first visit to the office and a table of diets with the price and prices of follow-up visits with the possibility of free editing and adding from the admin panel. 6. Services - Description + photo of the services provided with the ability to add and edit from the admin panel. 7. diet store - Products are diets as an electronic product. The customer after purchasing the selected diet (product) and making payment, automatically within 24 hours should receive the diet (product in the form of a .pdf/word/excel file) by email. Ability to edit products from the admin panel. 8. Recipes - Subpage in the form of a blog with the ability to add and edit entries from the admin panel, entries consisting of a description + photos. 9. Contact - Contact information and contact form.