Creating a mobile application that displays HTML code from the server

Closed job
Jakub Michalik -
Jakub Michalik -
10 deals
Valid until:

Job description

I am looking for a programmer who will make a "base" Android mobile application (for internal use in a construction company). The order would include the creation of a login view (login/password) based on the initial graphic design/layout provided by the client - authorization data stored in a MySQL database. In addition, to make the "header" of the application after logging in with return, refresh, user icon which, when clicked, develops a sidebar with the option "Logout". The interior of the application made in-house (this does not apply to the order). You should prepare the application in such a way that when you enter a valid login and password, the index.php script placed under a specific domain is executed.

In short, the operation is similar to a web browser, but without the search bar and the ability to enter your own url, with its own login logic and navigation (undo/redo).

Required functions:

Login, store variable in session after login, header with navigation, logout option

Operating system:
