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Recent jobs from category Web development

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    CoremaPL 43 deals
    Setting up a Presta Shop online shop
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for a freelancer to design and implement an online shop in Presta Shop on a dedicated template. I expect an exemplary working mobile and desktop version, all kinds of quick payments, integrations with a wholesaler, shopping with and without registration, with the possibility to subscribe to a newsletter, etc. I am open to all suggestions, solutions, implementations. I am aware that valuation is a very broad subject, so please give me as much as possible an approximate amount and send me an online shop tailored to the budget offered to me as part of the portfolio, as well as a completion date.
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    Mick 1 deal
    The running shop on Woocommerce needs to be updated and reintegrated with the wholesaler. Then we need ongoing technical supervision.
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    Carla Content 3 deals
    The online shop built on the SkyShop platform needs to be optimised in order to improve the results in the Google PageSpeed Insights tool. We need a programmer to undertake the optimisation of the site according to the following guidelines. Scope of work: Minimise render-blocking resources (CSS and JS): Merge and minimise CSS and JS files. Use async or defer for JavaScript. Move key styles directly into the <head> section of the HTML (Critical CSS). Improve server configuration: Use Content Delivery Network (CDN) for faster delivery of resources. Configure browser caching to reduce the number of requests to the server. Lazy Loading: Introduce lazy loading for images and other resources that are not immediately visible on screen. Additional requirements: SkyShop: Check whether SkyShop offers plugins to optimise images on the site. If so, install the appropriate plugins. If SkyShop does not have such plugins, propose and implement alternative solutions for optimising images. Technical requirements:
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    XOXO WiFi
    Creation of an online shop in Wordpress
    Proposed by freelancer
    Shop in the form of a landing page, with a search engine by direction ( each direction must have its own sub-site ( link to SEO) - How it works ... - Why ... - Reviews ... In addition in the footer About us, Terms of use, Privacy policy Below is a list of all the directions with links to individual subpages Each direction will have its own sub-page with several options to choose from. Each option will have about 5-7 pieces of data All data and prices to be downloaded from excel. Preparation of graphics
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    I will commission the building of an online shop from scratch, in the catering sector offering a menu of choice. I am keen to create a customer panel with a database where the customer first makes a subscription purchase and then each day has the option to choose one of several dishes subtracting money from their previous purchase. During the purchase, the customer specifies for how long he wants to subscribe to our services. He will have a choice of 3 types of menu each with about 20 items and one menu every week replaced with about 10 new items. In addition, several sub-pages. I would like the whole project to be created as simply as possible but with the possibility of further expansion. An example of a competitive website (I would like to create a much simpler shop, but with the possibility of further development)
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    House of Ads 5 deals
    We are looking for a wordpress developer to join our agency. The first project is to complete a woocommerce shop for our client. If our initial collaboration is successful, we would be happy to sign a direct contract with you for a longer period. Requirements: - Ability to create websites on wordpress - Ability to create woocommerce webshops with the necessary tools and plugins - Good organisation of work
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    Planownia 1 deal
    I will commission the fine-tuning of the shop of the hotel furnishings company directory site 1. update presta to 8.1 2. updating them-u modez from 3.0 to v.4.4 - 10.11.23 - Current I have the licence 3. adding the , payu, paypal, dpd, inpost, gefco , subiekt nexo pro, chat gpt, blog module, 4. protection of the website against viruses 5. addition of a multilingual module after iA chatgpt , deepl can be from prestashero - I buy the license 6. addition of the gallery module realization ( I buy the module) 7. addition of one page supercheckout with the choice of invoice receipt 8) Optimisation of the mobile speed at a minimum of 70% and pc speed at 80-90%. 9. indication of a suitable hosting server (seohost or other to work cloudflare, mecache, etc.) 10. correct addition of the tag manager module, GA4 , pixel fb etc. 11. addition of a suitable layout on the product card (visible dimensions, lead time, delivery costs, payment methods, warranty, similar to 12. social login ( google , fb, apple ) Translated with (free version)
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    No transfer of shop contents (products)
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    I am looking for a person to help us implement a finished landing page design in a WordPress-based online shop we are running. The landing page design is already created as a PDF file and ready for implementation. We need a specialist to implement it on our website according to the provided graphic and functional design.
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    Good day, I am looking for a person who will make integration of Woocommerce shop with Comarch ERP Optima. Please let me know the exact cost of such integration and the time of execution of the order.
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Bergmann Paula
1 deal
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E-commerce development
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Job description

I'm looking for a person to work with me on a permanent basis for maintenance and possible breakdowns of an online store built on wordpress.

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Template / individual design:
