Charts showing model number of repetitions of exercises

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Objective of the order:

Preparation of 200 sets of boards about exercises for instagram/tt publication on 1 prepared template

Boards presenting these repetitive data + illustration (redesigned template) and a brief description in the form of a carousel.

Patterned amounts of repetitions of exercise performance by gender, degree of proficiency in the form of carousel, etc.

Repetition data is in one format. To be copied and then immediately used in the charts.

Type and number of projects:

Principal: FoxGym Startup. We overlay IoT sensors on exercisers and equipment in the gym. Data flies to the cloud where Artificial Intelligence processes it. In real time, exercise performance is improved by a virtual AR trainer (who bases his training style on real people) who communicates with the user by voice. Activities: We are creating the FoxGym solution itself, but we want to build a community early on - potentially able to benefit from the service. The audience is people interested in training, motivation and technology - these 3 elements are the essence of FoxGym. 1) Why do we do what we do? - The goal is to help users exercise strong willpower and regain control. 2) How do we do what we do? - We use AI, AR and IoT tools, and other cutting-edge technologies that will allow us to do FoxGym service on a large scale. 3) What do we actually do? - The visible result of what we do is a system that improves and supports training. Until we have the product itself, we assumed that we would meet the needs of our community substitutionally (not fully as FoxGym will do), using video, social media, podcasts and other means. We assumed a series of activities that give value in the areas of strong-will exercise, training and technology.