Assistant Copywriter and Editor with LANGUAGE. ANG [for s*x positive magazine 30k visits/month].

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Data processing
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Job description

We are looking for an assistant copywriter.

Your tasks will mainly include researching reviews from forums, Amazon, Quora, affiliate partner sites, reddit. Sometimes also scientific journals from the Google Scholar database (e.g. Journal of S*x Research)

You can find the site we write for in Google by typing "furnpeak".

The magazine is positioning in the United States. At this point it has 30,000 visitors a month. Readers are eager to return.

What we offer.

-Useme commission payment

- flexible working hours

- communication with interesting people mainly in writing

- implementation of your ideas on the site

- diverse directions of development

- fun at work


- English at the level of B2/C1, mainly in writing

- independence

- proactivity

- availability min. 4h a day

- distance from the subject of the site (and life ;-))

- sense of humor

- knowledge of Wordpress welcome

Please suggest a net rate for information research/editing on a part-time basis per month. Please attach a resume and min. 100 words of cover letter.

We will respond only to interested applications.

Preferable solution


Required features


The job in figures:

research information/editing part-time per month