It seems your session is missing some essential data. You have been redirected to the beginning of the process. If that problem persists, please contact us at and describe where the process fails.
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From: Poland

Location: Chorzów, PL

On Useme since 29 June 2020

About me

As a programmer, I create software for various devices (PCs, smartphones or tablets). I can work in a company or on my own. I am currently employed in automotive, in which I deal with staff training and optimization of reporting systems. I created and administer the electronic documentation approval portal and training matrices. I care about making it easier for users to use new technologies, regardless of their age and experience. It happens that I get orders for designing and creating websites with support for databases or applications for Windows. I update my knowledge all the time. Programming is not only a way to earn money, but my passion. I am constantly learning new solutions and technologies.

Technologies: C#, VB, PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL, BLAZOR



Portal z bazą danych na temat gospodarowanie odpadami, storna z logowaniem, w środku kilka baz danych współgrających ze sobą. Indywidualne konta, zarządzane przez użytkowników. Jedno konto administracyjne do zarządzania...