From: Poland
Location: Chorzów, PL
On Useme since 29 June 2020
As a programmer, I create software for various devices (PCs, smartphones or tablets). I can work in a company or on my own. I am currently employed in automotive, in which I deal with staff training and optimization of reporting systems. I created and administer the electronic documentation approval portal and training matrices. I care about making it easier for users to use new technologies, regardless of their age and experience. It happens that I get orders for designing and creating websites with support for databases or applications for Windows. I update my knowledge all the time. Programming is not only a way to earn money, but my passion. I am constantly learning new solutions and technologies.
Technologies: C#, VB, PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL, BLAZOR
Portal z bazą danych na temat gospodarowanie odpadami, storna z logowaniem, w środku kilka baz danych współgrających ze sobą. Indywidualne konta, zarządzane przez użytkowników. Jedno konto administracyjne do zarządzania...