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From: Poland

Location: Pawłowice, PL

On Useme since 8 December 2020

About me

I am an ambitious, resourceful person.I always bring a lot of energy to a given project,and give 110% of myself. connecting curiosity to the world,through interest in many areas of life,and lightness in storytelling. I am successively combining experience in sales, personal development,and studies in Business Psychology.I am willing to take on new challenges in broadly understood cooperation in running a blog,for example to an online store, translations from English - I lived in the UK for a year, and I also have experience in tutoring (more precisely preparing high school graduates for final exams) I do not close myself to offers from the widely understood marketing, sales, e-marketing,or participation in motivation projects. I'm also having experience in performing on public, so that's not a problem either.

I cordially invite for business cooperation Szymon Zdzieblo


Souvre internationale

Lider zespołu sprzedażowego Kilkudziesięcioosobowy zespół którym sprawnie koordynowałem procesami logistycznymi w trosce o najwyższą jakość świadczonych usług,opracowaliśmy autorską ofertę dla naszych klientów. Z Faktu handlu głównie FMCG i...