Index finger pointing up icon

From: Poland

Location: Warszawa, PL

On Useme since 7 March 2023

Business bag icon

Deals 18




About me

W branży graficznej jestem od 10 lat. Zaczynałem od składu książek w wydawnictwie, a teraz od dłuższego czasu pracuję w firmie handlowej jako grafik/projektant. Wykonuję wszelkie materiały zwiększające sprzedaż (ulotki, plakaty, displaye sprzedażowe, katalogi, broszury, gazetki promocyjne + materiały do internetu) oraz opakowania wraz z instrukcjami + wizualizacje produktu. Zapraszam do współpracy!


Completed offers 3

  • Hi. I'm looking for help with a logo with a specific vision - a Mexican skull, and instead of bones underneath or behind the skull - a crossed car detail brush polisher :) White and black versions, isolated background. A visualization of the mockup on some dark background is welcome, but it is not required. Just the logo without the company name. Anyone willing to embrace at a good price?
  • We are looking for a person to make graphic materials (infographics and graphic collages for A+ content on Amazon) based on our images and stock photos. We are keen to maintain consistent communication with existing materials:
  • I have 4 files that need to be minimally changed. The following is the scope of work in the files: 1. changing one word in the files; 2. adding one word in the files; 3. deleting one page; 4. adding one page; 5. setting the margins correctly. If interested, please send me a private message with a quote for the work. I am sending the files that will need to be changed.