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From: Poland

Location: Zielona Góra, PL

On Useme since 23 August 2022

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Deals 9




About me

W branży od ponad 20 lat. Doświadczony, rzetelny, twórczy. Zakres działań: programowanie JAVA, PHP, JS, CSS; tworzenie aplikacji webowych i stron internetowych (WORDPRESS). projektowanie graficzne (PhotoShop). optymalizacja i naprawa baz danych: SQL, MySQL instalacje urządzeń sieciowych doradztwo w zakresie IT serwis komputerowy w nagłych i pilnych przypadkach:)


Portfolio item (WordPress)

Strona na WordPress + wtyczki

Portfolio item (WordPress)

Strona na WordPress + wtyczki + własny kod PHP

Portfolio item (WordPress)

Strona na WordPress + wtyczki

Portfolio item (WordPress)

Strona na WordPress + wtyczki

Portfolio item (WordPress)

Strona na WordPress + wtyczki + własny kod PHP

Portfolio item (WordPress)

Strona na WordPress + wtyczki

Portfolio item (WordPress)

Strona na WordPress + wtyczki

Portfolio item Nysa Spedycja

WORDPRESS - wielojęzyczność

Completed offers 2

  • The plug-in that integrates EMPIK with Woocommerce is working incorrectly by charging tax twice. Finding and fixing the error
  • I will order the creation of an account on TINDER and give me the login information in the aftermath. I have been banned there and need a new phone number, a new phone or computer and a new WiFi IP number otherwise there will be no way to create an account there again. ;) Importantly: no other account on Tinder can be created on this tel no, on this device as well as on this WiFi. As a result, there would be another ban. The offer is quite serious despite the absurd overtones. :)) The order in addition to setting up an account on Tinder is to set up a new e-mail address. Communicate to me in a message the new e-mail address, the password to the e-mail account and later the sms code that will come to the phone number of the performer at the time when he or she logs on Tinder. Preferably here in the messages. Greetings