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From: Poland

Location: Chorzów, PL

On Useme since 11 October 2024

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Deals 4




About me

Hi, nice to see you here!

I'm Paulina with about 5 years of experience in the SEO industry. It performs positioning for websites and stores, taking care of everything - from A to Z. I worked in marketing agencies and in-house SEO departments as an independent specialist. That's why I'm familiar with preparing offers, pricing and contact with clients. I can easily explain issues related to website optimization and explain their priority. This is very important when working with larger brands.

Additionally, I am developing in the field of Marketing Automation. I prepare sales sequences and introduce them to the tool. Currently I am working on the Klawio system, but I am eager to learn new things! If you would like to outsource e-mail marketing tasks - write to me!


Portfolio item
Branża finansowa

Wprowadzona strategia pozycjonowania przyniosła stabilne i tanie źródło generowania leadów, które nie wymagało dużych nakładów na reklamę.

Portfolio item
Biuro Rachunkowe

Lokalnie biuro rachunkowe. Zdecydowałam się w tym przypadku o rozszerzenie oferty o ościenne miasta oraz dedykowane branże np. biuro rachunkowe dla branży IT.