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From: Poland

Location: Sosnowiec, PL

On Useme since 20 June 2022

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Deals 1




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Dzień dobry, Mam na imię Patryk i zajmuje się wszelkimi rzeczami związanymi z arkuszami kalkulacyjnymi, bazami danych oraz administracją stron internetowych. Czuję się mocno również w posługiwaniu się językiem angielskim.


Portfolio item
Przykład pliku do mojego budżetu domowego

Jestem osobą pedantyczną, więc wszystkie prace, które wykonuję, są tworzone z dbałością o każdy szczegół. Excela używam codziennie w zarządzaniu projektami, jest to dla mnie najbardziej uniwersalne narzędzie, w którym potrafię zrobić niemal wszystko

Completed offers 1

  • Hello, we will commission the creation of two bid calculators in Google Sheets (optionally Microsoft Excel). Due to the complexity of the construction of the documents, we ask only specialists to send their proposals. We are extremely concerned about the time of producing the files, we ask for offers from people available to act in the next 10 calendar days. Job Description: Offer calculator file structure: Sheet1: Offer (prepared for A4 printout or creation of .pdf document) - Space for customer data and order data (what product, what base dimensions) - technical description of the product (space for filling in fields with technical and visual data) - list of elements ( Item name, description of the element, quantity of the element, unit of measurement, unit price, total price of the element) - the elements should be automatically drawn from Sheet 2 - offer summary ( amount, delivery date, discount) - space for signatures (client + company) - warranty and legal information - footer on each printed A4 page with company data + logo, page numbering Sheet 2: Selection of items - entering the dimensions of the product (from Sheet 3 after entering the width x depth x height, the worksheet itself should complete the price values on the basis of the defined 3 different values/criteria from the relevant table of Sheet 3), entering the base amount of the product - selection of individual items from drop-down lists in given subgroups, automatic completion of product base amounts from Sheet 3 (product additions and additions) - space for defining quantities and units of measure in each row in the drop-down list - summary of amounts + addition of amount markup on items Sheet3: Tables and lists of products - Preparation of tables and lists in which it will be possible to change only the amount of purchase and production of individual items - Tables of finished suppliers based on 2-3 criteria, from which the price will be taken automatically