From: Poland
Location: Wrocław, PL
On Useme since 23 October 2020
I am a master of Polish philology, a certified teacher, pedagogical therapist and musician (pianist, chorister, conductor and rhythm teacher), author of a scientific book and passionate about literature, music, pedagogy and a healthy lifestyle. For many years I have been teaching children (from the age of 1) and adults, I am constantly learning, specializing in new meanders related to the above-mentioned fields of science, recently especially in the field of science development immersion therapy, I love gaining new knowledge and sharing it further, so I will be happy to take on new, this time online writing challenges.
Interdyscyplinarna praca magisterska wydana 4 lata temu we Wrocławiu: "Sześcioletnia Antonina Meo - mistyczka dojrzała. Dojrzałość psychiczna i duchowa mistyczki Antoniny Meo w świetle analizy jej pism", Franciszkańskie Wydawnictwo św. Antoniego,...
Drobne felietony teologiczne i refleksyjne, zwykle związane z literaturą. Link do przykładowego tekstu podany powyżej.