Index finger pointing up icon

From: Poland

Location: Błaszki, PL

On Useme since 10 July 2023

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Deals 1




About me

UMIEJĘTNOŚCI: Android SDK, Android Studio Crash/product analytics: FirebaseCrashlytics/Analytics Komunikacja z API: obsługa REST ApiAnimacja Programowanie reaktywne: RxJava Znajomość oprogramowania do kontroliwersji (Sourcetree) oraz GIT Znajomość „powszechnie” używanychtechnologii/API/wzorców: np. AndroidJetpack, Google APIs, Dependencyinjecton: Dagger2, Hilt; Material Designetc. Android Compose Znajomość programowania na iOS (z wykorzystaniem swiftUI) oraz w języku flutter (podstawy)



Portfolio item Random-inator

Small project written in my free time for self-development purposes. An application for generating number sequences, passwords, manipulating lists (sorting, creating, etc.), and other "inators" with gamification elements.

Completed offers 1

  • I am looking for an experienced Android programmer, specializing in Kotlin, for programming work on an existing mobile application - a complex alarm clock with numerous settings and functionalities. The assignment includes adding new and changes to existing functionality. The work is mostly based on existing solutions in other parts of the application, which need to be adapted according to the requirements. Due to the size and complexity of the project, at the beginning of the cooperation I provide a general description of the parts of the code to be modified. At the same time, I am keen on establishing a long-term cooperation (several orders within a year) and I treat this order as a trial, in order for the programmer to get acquainted with the project and see how the cooperation shapes up. Ultimately, the scope of work would range from simple "copy-paste-adapt" style changes as above, through independent creation of complex functionality from scratch, to often time-consuming finding and fixing the causes of application malfunctions in certain situations. .... and more