From: Poland
Location: Września, PL
On Useme since 2 October 2020
Welcome to the world of words!
It's a place where a pieces of a puzzle called text come together to encourage, entertain, educate, enrapture...
All without magic!
As with every puzzle, words need to be set in a specific way for text to gain desired effect. If you need a helping hand with that, I'm here for you!
How it works
You choose the outline - like the corner pieces of the puzzle - and pass it to me. I use them to create a text that will next end up in your hands. The style of the text (Fun? Educating? Official?) is also up to you!
What if my puzzle is already complete, but I feel something is missing?
I can help with that as well. I spent most of my life reading and writing, and then studying the dark magic that is Polish grammar and punctuation. No typo will hide from me, no comma will disappear on me. I'm sure it's possible to put the puzzle together without them, but it's better if all comes together naturally, right?
My puzzle is complete, just... the language is all wrong.
Nie martw się, na to też znajdziemy radę! Translation is like copying a picture onto a backside of a puzzle piece. You need to be precise, but also make it beautiful, right? Finding balance between those two traits is not easy, but I can manage even this, if you need it! For now, only for Polis-English, and English-Polish translations, but who knows what the future holds in stock for us :)
In short
Blog article written with dedicated keywords.
Above is a thesis article's abstract. This is an example of a short text translation from Polish to English
Above is a thesis article's abstract. This is an example of a short text translation from Polish to English