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From: Poland

Location: Laskowa, PL

On Useme since 14 May 2018

About me

I'm a beginner who is willing to try new stuff. I can write very well in Polish and I'm eager to create artictles, write transcriptions and descriptions of different products. Also, if you're looking for someone who can help with translating small stuff from English to Polish (or the other way round), feel free to message me.

I'm very passionate about Polish and English, so all of my works will be done as precisely as possible.


Praca dla gazety szkolnej "Paranoja"

Przez 3 lata liceum miałam możliwość tworzenia artykułów (recenzji/felietonów) dla gazety szkolnej rozprowadzanej na terenie I LO im. Jana Długosza w Nowym Sączu.