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From: Poland

Location: Radom, PL

On Useme since 11 February 2022

About me


My name’s Kasia.

I’ve always enjoyed writing be it short stories, poems or columns in school newspaper. I’ve been told my writing is easy and enjoyable to read.

During my studies I had the pleasure to translate a kids book from french to polish. I found it quite interesting and entertaining and I’d love to use my language skills in this field.

I feel quite confident in my English skills, I rarely find myself struggling with understanding it. I said farewell to polish subtitles in English movies a long time ago. I also read books in English. I’m really fond of this language and I adore British accent. :)


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Projekt okładki książki

Na prośbę mojej siostry, która pisze książkę, wykonałam okładkę :)

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Felieton nt życia maturzysty