From: Poland
Location: Chełmno, PL
On Useme since 11 February 2018
In reference to the above mentioned offer, I am sending below documents with the possibility of a chance to cooperate. As for my experience in the profession of translator, I have over 5 years of various orders on topics such as: contracts, medical patient cards, catalogs of a allotment, annexes to regulations, Texts for a brochure, legal agreements. I treat my work, also as my great passion, and also the great pleasure of learning more and more new words, interesting vocabulary, and at the same time the creative versatility of choosing the right vocabulary in the selection of individual orders.
Yours faithfully Katarzyna Daszkiewicz
The client commissioned me to translate from English into Polish a translation named - Report after medical examination. The customer's opinion was as satisfactory as possible and without any objections. Many thanks from the above customer....
The client commissioned me to translate from Polish into German with the title - Certificate of no criminal record. The customer's opinion was as satisfactory as possible and without any objections. Many thanks from the above customer. With my...
The client commissioned me to order, with translation from Polish into English with the title - Project contract - establishment. The customer's opinion was as satisfactory as possible and without any objections. Many thanks from the above...