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From: Poland

Location: Warszawa, PL

On Useme since 13 April 2020

About me

I am a journalist and copywriter. I have been writing for years. I was an editor at Polsat News for over 12 years - I was writing news, larger materials and editing texts by other authors. I am currently working as a content manager in a programming and e-learning company. At the same time, I run several fanpages on Facebook.

I can write more, I am not afraid of difficult challenges and orders. I am writing in Polish and English. in


Teksty na firmowego bloga - na temat SQL, baz danych, programowania, e-learningu, poszukiwaniu pracy etc. Wszystkie teksty w języku angielskim.

Vertabelo Academy

Blog Akademii Vertabelo dotyczący nauki Pythona - pisany po angielsku.