From: Poland
Location: Legionowo
On Useme since 21 March 2018
Jesteśmy Software Housem z siedzibą w Warszawie i Londnie. Budujemy software dla startupów i korporacji. Specjalizujemy się w budowie aplikacji mobilnych i webowych oraz w projektowaniu graficznym. Po więcej informacji zapraszamy na naszą stronę internetową.
ReadyApp is a smart application created for ordering food. It enables the client to order in advance and pick up the order at the time of their choice. The whole system consists of two mobile apps. One for the user and one for the restaurant....
ReadyApp is a smart application created for ordering food. It enables the client to order in advance and pick up the order at the time of their choice. The whole system consists of two mobile apps. One for the user and one for the restaurant....
Room13 is a dance and music club in the heart of Warsaw visited frequently by a lot of customers. We created a website based on Angular 4 frond-end and PHP back-end technologies which is multi-page and duo-lingual. The final product is a fully...
Room13 is a dance and music club in the heart of Warsaw visited frequently by a lot of customers. We created a website based on Angular 4 frond-end and PHP back-end technologies which is multi-page and duo-lingual. The final product is a fully...
Play4Real is a platform that connects you with other gamers and enables you to compete for prizes and money. In just 6 months we managed to create a complex platform that works on every device providing great user experience. We also made sure...
Play4Real is a platform that connects you with other gamers and enables you to compete for prizes and money. In just 6 months we managed to create a complex platform that works on every device providing great user experience. We also made sure...