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From: Poland

Location: Dąbrowa Tarnowska, PL

On Useme since 12 December 2016

About me

Amateur historian and beginning freelancer in the evening, an office worker during daylight.

I finished Russian cultural studies studies in the Jagiellonian University. I loved writing all my life, creating via keybord gives me not only joy and satisfaction, but also a feeling of fulfillment.

Apart from history, I'm interested in politics, science and technology.


Tłumaczenia dla portalu "Korespondent Wschodni"

[2011 - 2012] Russian-Polish and English-Polish translation of news articles to be published on the portal.

Praktyki studenckie w wydawnictwie Bellona

[2010] - publishing market research, Russian-Polish translation correction, reviewing positions to be potentially published in Poland