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From: Poland

Location: Reda

On Useme since 17 February 2015

About me

We are flexible team specializing in delivery of high-performance, high quality and well-crafted software. With over 10 years of experience in software craftsmanship we have implemented many high quality modules - from microservices and core modules, to multi-layered distributed, big data systems and portals.

Our specialties

  • expert theoretical and working knowledge of Java and JVM
  • very good understanding of concurrent programming
  • good knowledge of Scala and functional programming
  • expert knowledge of O-O aspects and rules
  • very good knowledge of algorithms, data structures and machine learning
  • good knowledge of other languages - PHP, C, Lua
  • expert knowledge of design patterns - GoF, Integration, EAA Patterns, Microkernel, Hexagonal Architecture, Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
  • very good theoretical and practical knowledge of approach - Attribute-Driven Design, Domain-Driven Design, TDD, BDD, Agile/Scrum, SOA (microservices way)
  • good knowledge of high performance multimedia processing

Tools and technologies we love working with

  • Java SE, Spring Framework, Play Framework, Typesafe Activator, Apache CXF, Apache Camel, ActiveMQ, ZeroMQ, Apache Commons, Guava, JGroups, JClouds, NoSQL (Cassandra, MongoDB, Hazelcast), Lucene, Elasticsearch, Distributed Object Store (OpenStack Swift, Amazon S3, Dropbox API), SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle 10g)
  • tools - Intellij Idea, git, sonar, jenkins, crucible, docker, maven, sbt, gradle, jmeter
  • servers and containers - Karaf, JBoss, Tomcat, Jetty, Nginx
  • operating systems - linux


Grupa Wirtualna Polska - Projekt (polish dropbox alternative) - in this project we were responsible for:

  • gathering client requirements
  • creating domain model using Domain-Driven Design approach
  • designing system architecture and selecting...
Lukasz Dembinski CV.pdf

Łukasz Dembiński - CV