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From: Poland

Location: Kotowiecko, PL

On Useme since 20 July 2020

About me

I write, I translate and I design video games!

I'm proficient in writing texts about healthcare, pharmacy, furniture, children, video games and culture.

I'm a certified C1 English lagnuage user, which provides me with the tools necesary for my translations to engage any native speaker in any subject.


5 rzeczy, które musisz wziąć pod uwagę, wybierając

It's a short article for a children furniture blog. Convenient form of a list makes the reader get structured and specific information - after reading the text, they know five things more that they did beforehands.

Coś się kończy, coś się zaczyna. Felieton o Wiedźm

Short columnt text about Netflix's top series "The Witcher". It's fun to read and has a couple of my ideas about the production.