From: Ukraine
Location: Wrocław, PL
On Useme since 21 November 2023
Jestem doświadczonym projektantem wnętrz i meble, tworzę fotorealistyczne wizualizacje, modelowanie i animacje marketingowe produktów (meble, maszyneria, akcesoria i inne). UE, 360 Wykonuje również realizację architektury i wnętrz. Dla deweloperów czy biur architektonicznych. VR, 360 panoramy. Zapraszam do współpracy.
Jan 2022 - Now
Temple & Webster, Frelance
Create a photorealistic rendering of furniture, bathroom, kitchen and deroration objects for Australian company Temple & Webster Frelance, animation
Jun 2016 - Nov 2022
Founded his own 3D visualization company, supervised all processes, also performed work, worked with many European countries and USA, Austraia, Japan.
Jan 2006 - Dec 2016
Your interior
Interior design, furniture design and modeling. Work in 3DsMax and Vray and Corona render
To unlock the potential of UE5, I modeled the chair in 3ds Max, made nice UVs and transferred it to UE5, fine-tuned the fabric material and lumen lighting, animated the cameras and made these high-quality shots. You can look in more detail link
To unlock the potential of UE5, I modeled the chair in 3ds Max, made nice UVs and transferred it to UE5, fine-tuned the fabric material and lumen lighting, animated the cameras and made these high-quality shots. You can look in more detail link
3D object animation in Cinema 4D and Redshift