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From: Poland

Location: Zubrzyca Górna, PL

On Useme since 11 February 2024

About me

I'm innovator and bussines analyst around wide market with experience as project manager/owner,executive with financial/exchanges/banking backround. Innovation mindset with option to design concept of device (3d/cad) as invention, software, system, applications, prototyping both in RAPID style (1-2 weeks/days) around Python (web, desktop). Strong focus on patents, advantage (tech, robotics, biotechnology, automotive, military, areo/space, mobility in air, water, architecture).

Partner can achieve new product as 3D/CAD DESIGNS for concept ideation (images, visualizations, animations), a document with description of range PATENT claims of an invention to reserve in UPSTO/EUIPO (other) with sketch (full or provisional patent). For this an a business strategy as BMCD model, business plan (MSR34 standard with matrix and metric modeling, financial montage for 5 years), PITCHDECK, TEASER, BRIEF (SCREENPLAY), market analysis QSWOT (competitors comparison), SURVEYS.

CV / Résumé

Apr 2015 - Now

Interim roles as PM, PO, CTO, DEV, CMO, Consultant

Velius FPHU, 4BK Group Sp.z o.o. Nowy Sącz

Working with brands:, other (NDA) Management start-up project around PMO (dev, marketing, production team) Service design, administration.

Aug 2004 - Now

Freelancer Business Analyst/IT Consultant


Business/companies and work as Freelancer Own business and many projects (B2C, B2B, B2A) around IT/ITC, Electronic/Robotic, Startup-'s.

Aug 1999 - Now

Freelancer - Webmaster


Websites creator (CMS/CRM/ERP), web-marketing supporter, SEM/SEO specialist, video-animation marketing. HTML/5, JS, CSS, Action Script 1.0-2.0, PHP, Python, other technologies.