Workers' platform

Closed job
645 deals

Job description

The order is based on the author's creation of a platform in any framework. The application is to aggregate candidates and connect them with employers - two roles of registration: EMPLOYER and EMPLOYEE. Detailed specification is available upon request.

Employees define their characteristics (profile fields) and the employer defines their requirements, as a result of which employees receive SUGGESTIONS for consideration: acceptance / rejection

We provide PSD for every view (also mobile). In total, it is about 12 subpages. The time for back-end work and coding is 1 month.

WE EXPECT OFFERS FROM INDEPENDENT EXPERIENCED DEVELOPERS. Full Stack is welcome. Project for 1-2 months of coding. Possible next large orders via Useme!

Required functions:

The order is based on the author's creation of a platform in any framework. The application is to aggregate candidates and connect them with employers - two roles of registration: EMPLOYER and EMPLOYEE. Detailed specification is available upon request.

Attached files