Wordpress site, Avada - in the theme of construction with a specific product, 11 pages

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NS Group
11 deals
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Web pages
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Job description

I will commission a comprehensive preparation of the site for the launch with the initial preparation of content, small graphics, images and seo settings, etc.

The important information is that this is not a general company website, but only one of the emerging brands, an offshoot of the business. There won't be too much content about us on it, only minor content that proves the approach and quality, as well as links to further site. This site is to be focused on one product and its variants.

Topics construction - foundation slabs.

Purchased Avada Theme and installed on Wordpress. I pre-selected the theme, but I also like several others. One can be considered the leading one, while I would like to use some elements from others, so I'm counting on creative importing and combining sections. It's nice if someone has experience with Avada, because it will be easier to judge the possibilities.

One of the preliminary AVad themes:


The scope would include minor copywriting. I'm keen on creating general content in sections on basic pages based on competitor's pages sent later to inspire in the theme and draw knowledge. I would like to see a creative approach to content layout and quality. When in doubt, I would prefer to help write fine content rather than leaving silly content on the site.

Required features

Use of Avada template for full fluidity and pre-set seo (google search, analytics)

Preferable solution

Wordpress, Avada template The website is to contain 11 sub-pages: 1. home page 2. product information page - general with a breakdown of 5 variants. 3. 5 similar pages about product variants. Only minor differences in layout, content and expansion to include other features. Main core unchanged. 4. page about the company 5. contact page 6. page with realizations - creation of further realizations is not included in the scope, only the creation of the main page and template for further introduction of content. 7. page under the content of the blog - the creation of the content of the blog is not included in the scope, but only the creation of a scheme under the further writing of posts