Web Developer Full Stack, PHP/JS, 100% Remote

Closed job
Marcin - Inventively
Marcin - Inventively
139 deals

Job description

About the company: An agency that creates mobile and web applications, the entire team works remotely and is located in Poland. I am looking for a PHP / JS web developer. I am interested in long-term cooperation. Polish and basic English are required.

Salary: 35 - 65 PLN / h depending on experience. In the price field, please provide the net value for 40 hours of work. We can settle accounts via the Useme portal according to project stages.

In the message, please include:

- hourly rate

- approximate weekly time availability

- attach your CV

- Link to the profile on GitHub

- Link to the completed project

- Other technologies in which you specialize

Thank you for your interest.


Required functions:

web dev

Submitted offers 7

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