We are urgently looking for developers to install open-source in Python

Closed job
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MQX Polska Sp. z o.o.
Job category:
Desktop/web applications
Expected budget:

4000.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description

Notice - we are looking for developers to install the program in the following environment;

We have an open-source application, we want to install on separate VPS servers in the relationship, one VPS server for one copy of the open-source application.

We need to install multiple copies of this application.

We are looking for 2 to 3 IT specialists for permanent cooperation in the scope of the following specifications

The software libraries used by the Application are listed in the following files

Backend: XXXXX

Client: XXXXX

Packing: XXXXXX

• debhelper

• devscripts

• dh-apparmor

• dh-python

• git

• grunt-cli

• node

• above sea level

• python3

• python3-dev

• python3-pip

• python3-setuptools

• python3-sphinx

• python3-virtualenv

We invite you to send us your offer.

Required functions:

Please send a description of your experience so far, it can be e.g. your C.V., references, your website, or other credentials, e.g. it can also be a register with CEIDG. The form of cooperation is open, contract for specific work, order or B2B invoices.