Translation of the website from Polish to Hungarian

Closed job
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Sebastian Badowski
5 deals
Job category:
Other languages
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Job description

I need someone who knows Hungarian at a fluent level, someone who has interacted with the language and will be able to translate so that a person who lives there entering this website will not have any doubts. I have a website that has 2 sub-pages, everything is in Polish and I want it to be 1:1 in Hungarian. There is no room for linguistic, grammatical and stylistic errors because it might scare away potential customers. Everything must be as if it were a Hungarian website from scratch. Must be a person who has interacted with the language and preferably lived in Hungary for a long time and interacted with Hungarian websites/webshops.

The language of the text:

Polish into Hungarian

Number of characters:


Type and number of texts:

Translation from Polish to Hungarian.

Submitted offers 6

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