Translation of the smartwatch manual

Closed job

Recent jobs from category Translation

  • no avatar
    Lukasz_G 8 deals
    We have texts that are already translated into Slovak, but need proofreading. Construction machinery industry. The texts are divided into smaller articles, and I would estimate all the materials at 400 pages. People who know the language are invited to bid. To intermediaries and A.I. tool wizards - thank you!
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Other languages
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Job description

Looking for a translator who will translate the user manual from Polish to Lithuanian and Latvian. This is a user manual for a smartwatch

Type and number of texts:

User manual for one device in PL language, about 18 pages, 2900 words

Number of characters:

The language of the text:

Polish into Lithuanian Polish into Latvian

Submitted offers 22

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Added: on 2024-07-19
Added: on 2024-07-16
Added: on 2024-07-07
Added: on 2024-07-07
Added: on 2024-07-04
Added: on 2024-06-25
Added: on 2024-06-24