Translation of the film from English to Polish

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    I will order to check the finished transcription of the translation of recorded videos in the perinatal field. Key information: - we have a written transcription (photo for reference) that AI has generated; it is both English and Polish text; the idea is to check only the Polish text, - the recordings (and texts) are interviews and presentations by perinatal care specialists, so it is important to check the consistency of translations and to know the perinatal subject matter (example - the automatic translation of “natural childbirth” is to “road birth” - full of such errors), - I have a total of 8 more than an hour recordings and ready transcriptions to check, but we can settle individually.
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Expected budget:

30.00 PLN

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Job description

I will order the translation of a film from English to Polish.

The duration of the film 15 minutes

In your reply, please provide a program to quickly and hello compress the 250 MB video.

Without this it would take hours to send the video by gmail....

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