Job description
1. i do live and let you know that you can already download
2. you need to download live from insta
3. add this live to your yt account as public (I would have to provide the password to my account)
4. i write the newsletter + possibly additional graphics -> send you the title + content
5. you send the newsletter (there is a template in malerlite you just need to substitute the content, which I will send) + link to the video from YT
Points 2, 3, 5 - are for you
1. i do live and let you know that you can already download
2. you need to download the live from zoom (I would have to provide data to zoom)
3. you need to add it to yt
4. you need to add it to the e-learning platform e.g. lesson 1
it is possible that there will also be sending an email (but not always)*.
Points 2,3,4 - are for you
+ welcome the ability to do some simple graphics for a thumbnail, banner e.g. in canva
Write how you want to be billed for your work
How much does it take
What is the cost
How often you have time (on what days and hours)
thank you and Best Regards :)