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Recent jobs from category Admin support

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    Entering data into an online store
    Proposed by freelancer
    Entering products into the online store, creating product trees, creating banners,
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    Idea Marketing 78 deals
    Hello, a Polish cosmetics brand is looking for a person to handle the Optima Handel program. Currently, the emphasis is on the warehouse module where it is necessary to set up directories and warehouses, and record transfers between warehouses on an ongoing basis. The tasks of such a person also include monthly physical inventory and communication of warehouse data with accounting. An additional duty will be the rather occasional (several times a month) organization of deliveries to warehouses. Workload approx. 10-20 hours /week. Work 100% remotely, hourly billing. You are welcome to cooperate with us. Notification from Useme: submission of offers is only possible if you: - have a valid school or student ID card (students up to the age of 26) - have a signed statement certifying you have an employment contract for at least minimum wage - you are self-employed
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    We have 240 products in Baselinker for listing on Amazon PL. - filling in the parameters - selection of categories - selection of product type Please indicate the price for the whole
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    Daniel Piskurewicz
    I am looking for a person to add products to the store, adding photos, description, colors, sizes and stocks. Billing on the number of products, completion time as soon as possible. 50 products, dress industry.
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    I am looking for an experienced person to prepare the product file for import. The number of products we have is 90. 82 of these products have 60-119 size variations. The remaining products are add-ons to choose from. Descriptions need to be developed for the import file and each variant.
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15 deals
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Data entry
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Job description


poszukujemy kogoś, kto pomoże nam synchronizować obecną wersję serwisu z wersją zapleczową. Zadanie proste - otwieramy jedną stronę i odpowiednik na drugim serwisie i porównujemy czy obie wersję są takie same (te same akapity, zdjęcia).

Chcemy w niedługim czasie przenieść się na nowy serwis, ale niestety treści się nieznacznie różnią, więc potrzebujemy wsparcia w "przeklikaniu" serwisu.


- Porównanie dwóch wersji serwisu (ponad 400 stron, głównie wpisy blogowe)

- Synchronizacja kopii z aktualną wersją

- Szczegółowa dokumentacja zmian w Excelu (treść, URL, daty, grafiki)

Jeśli jesteś dokładny, znasz WordPress i szukasz ciekawego wyzwania, czekamy na Twoją ofertę!

The job in figures:

sprawdzenie ok. 400 stron treści blogowych

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