Stworzenie opisów do aukcji allegro - 20 aukcji - branża zabawka dla dzieci (0-24 miesiące)

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Recent jobs from category Marketing

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    We are expanding and currently looking for SEO copywriters who write in French, Portuguese, and Spanish on topics related to gambling (slots, games, online casino reviews) and betting (sports betting). Rate: from 3.5 to 4.5 per 100 characters. **Important!** We need independent copywriters, freelancers, and full-time employees. We do not work with other teams, small agencies, or contractors. **To apply, please send the following to our email:** 1. A resume or information about yourself and your copywriting experience in any format. 2. Examples of several texts in English, Portuguese, or Italian, along with the technical requirements for them, so we can understand the task you were working on. **Requirements:** - At least 2 years of experience in copywriting on the specified topics. We do not consider beginners. - Proficiency in writing clear, structured, and logical texts. - Fluent knowledge of the language you are writing in, comparable to that of a native speaker. - Ability to write about the same topic using different words without getting tired of the subject matter. - Willingness to revise texts and accept feedback. Every text will go through two or three reviews: by the team leader, editor, and chief editor or SEO specialists of the project. **Responsibilities:** - Writing at least 7,000 characters daily on the specified topics. Deadlines will be discussed in advance, and you can write at your own pace. - Participating in calls to discuss details and deeply engage with the business and tasks. **What we offer:** - Remote work, full-time or part-time. We can consistently provide at least 100,000 characters per month as we have many long-term projects. - Regular detailed feedback from the team leader. - Age does not matter. Our team includes writers aged 20 to 55 who work with high quality and satisfaction. - Initially, we can pay every few days to establish trust, then once every one to two weeks after submitting a certain amount of work, review, revisions, and acceptance of texts.
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    andrzej891 4 deals
    Website positioning
    5000.00 PLN
    I will commission the positioning of a constantly updated news site current traffic at the level of 700,000 people per month expected steady increase in natural traffic I am not interested in any methods that create artificial traffic
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    MIKE_W 11 deals
    Positioning of html pages by freelancer
    Proposed by freelancer
    Freelancer only Agencies please do not bid I ask that bids not be submitted by copywriters alone The task will be actions that will result in raising the position of the site. Please do not offer to conduct an audit. The analysis is to be used only by the contractor. The site in html without CMS. I am interested in giving a quote for the work. I will make my selection after initial contact and getting acquainted with the contractor and presenting his offer
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    AMI Digital 35 deals
    Good afternoon, we are looking for a person who is very comfortable with finding relevant keywords to position for. We would like such a person to suggest keywords for the Physiogel brand and design a content structure for the blog along with specific topics.
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Poszukuję osoby, która przygotuje mi gotowe opisy i tytuły do aukcji do wystawienia na allegro. Dobrze żeby osoba miała już doświadczenie w tego typu zleceniach, wiedziała jak napisać, krótkie, zwięzłe opisy (punkty zamiast tekstów itp.)

Na początku byłoby to 20 aukcji:

a) 10 na podstawie już wstawionych produktów na naszej stronie WWW

b) 10 na podstawie przekazanych materiałów w języku angielskim i niemieckim (tłumacz google w zupełności wystarczy, znajomość języka nie jest konieczna)

Docelowo to przetworzenia będzie około 150 produktów.

Kolejnym etapem będzie zmiana opisów na samej stronie WWW (zmiany pod SEO).