Stworzenie faktury na podstawie produktów z kilkudziesięciu faktur i wpisanie raportu do EXCELA

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Recent jobs from category Admin support

  • no avatar
    Introducing products on the shoper platform
    Proposed by freelancer
    Entering products on shoper platform based on price list and manufacturer's website. Uploading graphics, descriptions, EAN, product IDs, prices, stock status, shipping size....
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    bannergear 1 deal
    Adding products to our IdoSell store
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are creating an online store with our product range. You should put products with features and attributes / parameters in the appropriate categories so that the customer can conveniently filter our products. In addition, there will be suggested products for the products in the shopping cart and at the product card to create sets.
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    Adding auctions on allegro using baselinker
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hello, we are looking for a person to list on allegro using baselinker. We assume that to complete the assignment we need approx. 30/40 hours of work. We are asking for bids for 40 hours of work.
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    MRewski 2 deals
    Adding a location on google maps
    Proposed by freelancer
    I'm looking for someone to add me a place (not my company) on google maps or elsewhere The problem is that on the phone the place is different than how it is on the computer. The place is supposed to be for customers who commute to my place by car. There is maybe some solution to make the customer reach the place without problems. If there is any ambiguity I will call
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    Hello, I am looking for someone to help me create a price calculator in excel. Case I have a number of different price lists from contractors, the prices are different, different periods of validity, different discounts. To calculate the price of a service I need data such as date of stay from to, number of people, if a child over a certain age then.... if under, then..., etc. The idea is to be able to select the period and other variables and have excel return the final price.
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    I will commission the creation of an Excel table from a scandium document. Please note the documents are in German.
Krzysztof Bączar
Krzysztof Bączar
3 deals
Job category:
Data entry
Expected budget:

150.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description

Dzień dobry,

poszukuje osoby która zajmie się utworzeniem faktury zawierającej wszystkie pozycje z przesłanych przeze mnie faktur. Dodatkowo poza stworzeniem takiej faktury trzeba również uzupełnić raport w excelu, w którym trzeba opisać każdą przesłaną przeze mnie fakturę (kwota, ilość sztuk itd.)

Zadanie proste, daje gotowe szablony w które trzeba wprowadzać dane (faktura w word, raport w excel). Wszystko dokładnie wytłumaczę. Praca regularna co miesiąc mniej więcej między 1 a 10.

Zadanie musi być wykonywane maksymalnie starannie, z dużą dbałością o szczegóły, nic nie może zostać pominięte. Preferowane osoby staranne i sumienne, przykładające uwagę do detali.

The job in figures:

do 100 faktur miesięcznie

Place or location:


Submitted offers 32

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