Splitting video into lessons and removing logos and obstructions

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I would like to commission to divide the course into lessons according to the pattern and remove all the distractions. The course is a live broadcast that I have conducted

1. division of the video into lessons

I divided the video into lessons while it turns out that it is in poor quality and needs to do it again.

The entire course is 2h 40 min. Lesson cut 1h 35min + video 36 min (just remove the logo)

I am sending the whole recording plus the cut lessons and I would like the recording cut in exactly the same way as the lessons I will send

2. removing all the obstructions and logos

I would like to remove from the entire recording all the yy's, loud intakes of breath, swallows, unnecessary pauses, remove individual words, slips of the tongue, stammers i.e. everything that is not necessary for listening, Remove the logo applied to the video, align and improve the sound

After the initial quote I send all the material and then we determine the exact details of cooperation

Type and length:

The entire course is 2h 40 min. Lesson cut 1h 35min + video 36 min (only logo removal)